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Streamline Operations and Delight Customers with

ePROMIS Advanced Analytics

Improve Performance Visibility and Generate Actionable Insights Across the Business

Empower Your Team to Do Their Best With Strategic ERP Analytics

Forecast trends and potential failures to prepare well in advance and stay ahead of competitors.

Performance Analytics

Track your employees’ performance over time, set up KPIs and milestones to understand their progress.

Procurement and Spend Analytics

Know where your money is being spent, analyze supplier payable trends, and reduce costs to enhance profitability.

Financial Analytics

Get better visibility of your business’s finances and accounts. Understand product profitability and determine the areas of improvement.

Augmented Analytics

Embed AI and ML in every aspect of your analytics to employ smart data preparation and never miss any important data

Attain True Digital Transformation

ePROMIS Advanced Analytics is a powerful tool that can help you streamline your operations and delight your customers. With its powerful reporting and analysis capabilities, you can quickly and easily get a clear picture of how your business is performing. You can also use it to identify areas where you can optimize your operations and improve customer satisfaction. If you're looking for a way to take your business to the next level, ePROMIS Advanced Analytics is the perfect solution. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you transform your business.

Generate Dynamic Reports and Advanced Visualizations

Create reports that matter to your business. Unlock valuable data and insights locked within your ERP system.

Custom Reports:

Choose the metrics that matter to you, decide the time frame, and generate custom reports to maximize efficiency

Pre-built Data Models:

Leverage pre-built data models and templates to generate reports within minutes. Customize the templates and save them for future reference.

Get Insights That Can Help Your Business Thrive

Gain a holistic view of your business’s performance and understand how each process is generating results.

Business Intelligence:

Convert raw data into actionable insights to increase your revenue, reduce costs, and enhance your decision-making process.

Real-Time Insights:

Analyze your processes and KPIs as they change in real-time. Quickly adapt to the evolving circumstances across departments.

Delight Your Customers

Get a birds-eye view of your customer journey, from the day they first interact with your business to today.

Optimize Customer-Facing Workflows:

Identify the touchpoints where most customers bounce back and optimize them to improve their experience.

Determine Customer Behavior:

Leverage customer reports to identify changing trends and customer behavior. Create strategies to keep up to their expectations even before they ask for it.

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